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HTML Practice Sheet

1. What is the difference between block-level and inline elements in HTML?

Answer: Block-level elements take up the full width available and start on a new line (e.g., <div>, <p>). Inline elements only take up as much width as necessary and don’t start on a new line (e.g., <span>, <a>).

2. Explain the purpose and use of the data-[ ] attribute in HTML5

Answer: The data-* attribute is used to store custom data on HTML elements. It’s useful for adding extra information that you can access with JavaScript later.

3. How can you include a video in an HTML document?

Answer: Use the <video> tag. Attributes like controls, autoplay, loop, and muted help control how the video behaves. You can add a src attribute to specify the video file.

4. What is the difference between the <script> tag placed in the <head> section and the <body> section of an HTML document?

Answer: A <script> in the <head> runs before the page is fully loaded, which can slow down page load. In the <body>, it runs after the page content has loaded, making the page appear faster.

5. Explain the purpose of the defer and async attributes on the <script> tag.

Answer: defer delays the script until the page has loaded. async runs the script as soon as it’s downloaded, without waiting for the rest of the page to load.

6. What is the difference between <section>, <div>, and <article> tags in HTML5?

Answer: <section> is for grouping related content. <div> is a general-purpose container with no meaning by itself. <article> is for independent content, like a blog post.

7. How do you create an accessible form in HTML?

Answer: Use labels for each input, use aria-* attributes for additional context, and ensure the form is navigable with a keyboard.

8. Explain the use and benefits of semantic HTML.

Answer: Semantic HTML uses meaningful tags like <header>, <nav>, <footer> that help search engines and screen readers understand the content better.

9. What is the purpose of the <meta> tag in HTML?

Answer: <meta> provides metadata about the HTML document, like the charset, author, or viewport settings for responsive design.

10. How do you create a responsive image using the <picture> element in HTML5?

Answer: Use the <picture> element with multiple <source> tags to define different images for different screen sizes, making the image responsive.

11. What are web components and how do you create them in HTML?

Answer: Web components are reusable custom elements with their own styles and behavior. You create them using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

12. Explain the purpose and usage of the srcset attribute in the <img> tag.

Answer: srcset allows you to define different image files for different screen sizes or resolutions, making images sharper on high-res screens.

13. How can you create an HTML table with merged cells (both row-wise and column-wise)?

Answer: Use rowspan to merge cells vertically and colspan to merge cells horizontally.

14. Describe how to create an HTML5 <audio> element and explain its attributes.

Answer: Use the <audio> tag. Attributes like controls, autoplay, and loop control playback. Use the src attribute to specify the audio file.

15. What is the purpose of the <noscript> tag in HTML?

Answer: <noscript> provides fallback content for users who have JavaScript disabled in their browser.

16. How do you handle browser compatibility issues with HTML5 elements?

Answer: Use feature detection with JavaScript, include polyfills, and test across different browsers to ensure compatibility.

17. Explain the difference between localStorage and sessionStorage in HTML5.

Answer: localStorage stores data that persists even after the browser is closed. sessionStorage stores data that is cleared when the browser is closed.

18. How can you embed an SVG directly into an HTML document?

Answer: Use the <svg> tag to embed the SVG code directly within your HTML file.

19. What is ARIA and how do you use it in HTML to enhance accessibility?

Answer: ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) attributes add extra information to elements to make them more accessible to screen readers.

20. How do you create a dropdown menu using HTML and CSS only?

Answer: Use a <select> tag for simple dropdowns, or use a combination of HTML <ul>, <li>, and CSS :hover styles for custom dropdowns.

21. Explain the concept and use of iframes in HTML.

Answer: An <iframe> embeds another HTML page within your page, like a YouTube video or another website.

22. What is the contenteditable attribute and how do you use it?

Answer: The contenteditable attribute makes any HTML element editable by the user, allowing them to change the text or content inside it.

23. Describe the difference between the <b> and <strong> tags in HTML.

Answer: <b> makes text bold without adding importance, while <strong> makes text bold and indicates that the text is important.

24. How do you use the <canvas> element in HTML5, and what are its common use cases?

Answer: The <canvas> element is used to draw graphics with JavaScript, like games, charts, or animations.

25. What is the purpose of the hidden attribute in HTML5?

Answer: The hidden attribute hides an element from view, making it invisible on the page but still part of the document.

26. How do you create a favicon for your website using HTML?

Answer: Use the <link> tag with rel="icon" and provide the path to your favicon image, usually a .ico file.


  • <link> is used to include external CSS files.
  • <style> is for adding internal CSS directly in the HTML.
  • @import is a CSS rule to include stylesheets within other CSS files.

28. How do you create a modal dialog box in HTML and CSS?

Answer: Use a combination of HTML elements (like <div>) and CSS for positioning and styling to create a pop-up box that overlays the page.

29. What are custom data attributes and how can they be used in HTML?

Answer: Custom data attributes (data-*) store extra information on elements that you can later access and manipulate with JavaScript.

30. How can you create a progress bar in HTML5?

Answer: Use the <progress> tag and set the value and max attributes to show the progress level.

31. Explain the difference between the <em> and <i> tags in HTML.

Answer: <em> adds emphasis and typically italicizes the text, indicating importance. <i> just italicizes text without adding emphasis.

32. How do you create a multi-step form in HTML?

Answer: Use multiple <form> elements or group sections within a single form, and use JavaScript to navigate between steps.

33. Describe how you can use the <details> and <summary> tags to create an accordion.

Answer: Wrap content inside <details>, and use <summary> to create a clickable title that expands or collapses the content.

34. What is the purpose of the translate attribute in HTML5?

Answer: The translate attribute specifies whether the content of an element should be translated or not by browsers or translation services.

35. How do you create a responsive navigation bar using HTML and CSS?

Answer: Use a combination of <nav>, <ul>, and <li> tags with CSS for layout and media queries to adjust the navigation for different screen sizes.

36. Explain the concept of shadow DOM in the context of web components.

Answer: The shadow DOM is a way to encapsulate a web component’s styles and markup so they don’t interfere with the rest of the page.

37. How do you create an HTML document that supports multiple languages?

Answer: Use the lang attribute on the <html> tag to specify the document’s language, and use <meta charset="UTF-8"> to support various characters.

38. What is the manifest attribute in HTML5, and how is it used?

Answer: The manifest attribute is used to specify a manifest file for offline web apps, telling the browser which files to cache.

39. How do you create a collapsible/expandable content section using HTML and CSS?

Answer: Use <details> and <summary> tags to create sections that users can click to expand or collapse.

40. What is the difference between the alt and title attributes for images in HTML?

Answer: The alt attribute provides alternative text for screen readers and when images can’t be displayed. The title attribute shows a tooltip when you hover over the image.

41. How do you implement lazy loading of images in HTML?

Answer: Use the loading="lazy" attribute in the <img> tag to delay loading images until they are about to be seen.

42. Explain the purpose of the <template> tag in HTML.

Answer: The <template> tag holds HTML code that isn’t rendered when the page loads but can be used later with JavaScript.

Answer: Use CSS with position: fixed; on the header and footer, ensuring they stay in place while the content scrolls.

44. Describe the use of the autocomplete attribute in form elements.

Answer: The autocomplete attribute helps users by automatically filling in form fields with previously entered values. It can be set to on or off.

45. How do you use the <output> tag in HTML5 forms?

Answer: The <output> tag is used to display the result of a calculation or user action in a form, like showing the sum of two numbers entered by the user.

46. What is the purpose of the <time> tag in HTML5?

Answer: The <time> tag represents a specific date, time, or duration, making it machine-readable for things like events, deadlines, or time spans.

47. How do you implement browser caching strategies using HTML5?

Answer: Use the <meta> tag with cache-related attributes and configure your server to set caching rules, ensuring that resources are stored in the browser for faster loading.

48. Explain the use of the sandbox attribute in iframes.

Answer: The sandbox attribute restricts what an iframe can do, like preventing scripts from running or restricting forms from being submitted, to improve security.

49. How do you create a sticky element using HTML and CSS?

Answer: Use position: sticky; in CSS to make an element stick to the top of the page (or a parent element) when scrolling.

50. Describe how to use microdata in HTML to improve SEO.

Answer: Microdata adds structured data to your HTML, helping search engines understand your content better and potentially improving your search ranking.

51. How do you create an image map in HTML and what are its use cases?

Answer: Use the <map> and <area> tags to create clickable areas on an image, which can link to different pages or actions. It’s useful for interactive diagrams.

Answer: The rel attribute defines the relationship between the current document and the linked resource, like stylesheet. The rev attribute (rarely used) defines the reverse relationship.

53. Explain the purpose of the inputmode attribute in HTML5.

Answer: The inputmode attribute helps control the type of keyboard that appears for a specific input, like showing a numeric keypad for number input.

54. How do you create a custom tooltip using HTML and CSS?

Answer: Use an HTML element with CSS :hover or :focus to display a hidden <span> or <div> as a tooltip when the user interacts with the element.

55. What are the different types of input fields available in HTML5 forms?

Answer: HTML5 offers various input types like text, email, number, date, color, range, and file, each designed for specific kinds of data.

56. Explain the use of the pattern attribute in HTML5 forms.

Answer: The pattern attribute allows you to define a regular expression that the input value must match, which is useful for validating things like phone numbers or postal codes.

57. How do you create a responsive grid layout using HTML and CSS?

Answer: Use CSS Grid or Flexbox to create a layout that adjusts to different screen sizes. You can define rows and columns that change based on the screen width.

58. What is the purpose of the <wbr> tag in HTML?

Answer: The <wbr> (Word Break Opportunity) tag suggests where a line break can occur if needed, helping with word wrapping in long texts.

59. How do you handle form validation using HTML5 attributes?

Answer: Use attributes like required, minlength, maxlength, pattern, and type to enforce validation rules on form inputs directly in the HTML.

60. Explain the use of the novalidate attribute in the <form> tag.

Answer: The novalidate attribute disables HTML5 form validation, allowing forms to be submitted without the browser checking for validation rules.

61. How do you create a fullscreen background image using HTML and CSS?

Answer: Use a CSS background-image on an element with position: fixed;, width: 100%;, height: 100%;, and background-size: cover; to make the image cover the entire background.

62. What is the difference between the <mark> and <cite> tags in HTML?

Answer: <mark> highlights text as important or relevant, usually with a yellow background. <cite> is used to reference a title or source, often italicized.

63. How do you create an HTML email template that is compatible with most email clients?

Answer: Use inline CSS, tables for layout, and simple HTML elements. Avoid using JavaScript, as it’s not supported in most email clients.

64. Explain the use of the accept attribute in the <input> tag for file uploads.

Answer: The accept attribute specifies the types of files that are allowed to be uploaded, like accept="image/*" for only images.

65. How do you create a fixed sidebar using HTML and CSS?

Answer: Use position: fixed; in CSS on a sidebar element to keep it in place as the user scrolls the page.

66. What is the purpose of the <legend> tag in HTML forms?

Answer: The <legend> tag is used to add a caption to a <fieldset>, helping to describe the group of form elements inside.

67. How do you create a print-friendly version of a webpage using HTML and CSS?

Answer: Use a separate CSS file or media query with @media print to style the page specifically for printing, like hiding navigation bars and adjusting font sizes.

68. Explain the difference between the <abbr> and <acronym> tags in HTML.

Answer: The <abbr> tag is used for abbreviations, like “Mr.” or “etc.,” providing an optional title attribute to explain the full form. The <acronym> tag, which was used for acronyms like “HTML,” is now deprecated and replaced by <abbr>.

69. How do you create an HTML5 form with placeholder text and floating labels?

Answer: Use the placeholder attribute in the <input> element for placeholder text. For floating labels, use CSS to position and animate the label when the user types into the input field.

70. What is the draggable attribute and how do you use it in HTML5?

Answer: The draggable attribute allows an element to be dragged and dropped. Set draggable="true" on an element and use JavaScript to handle the drag and drop events.

71. How do you implement a countdown timer using HTML and JavaScript?

Answer: Use JavaScript to calculate the remaining time, update an HTML element regularly (e.g., every second), and display the countdown.

72. Explain the purpose of the <base> tag in HTML.

Answer: The <base> tag sets a base URL for all relative links and URLs in a document. For example, if you set <base href="">, all links will be relative to this URL.

73. How do you create an HTML5 form with multiple file uploads?

Answer: Use the <input> tag with type="file" and the multiple attribute to allow users to select and upload multiple files at once.

74. What is the http-equiv attribute in the <meta> tag used for?

Answer: The http-equiv attribute in a <meta> tag is used to simulate an HTTP response header, such as setting the content type, character set, or refreshing the page.

Answer: Use a combination of <div> elements for slides and CSS for positioning and transitions. Add media queries to adjust the layout for different screen sizes.

76. Explain the use of the <output> tag in HTML5 forms.

Answer: The <output> tag is used to display the result of a calculation or other operation, often related to form inputs, such as showing a total price.

77. How do you create a parallax scrolling effect using HTML and CSS?

Answer: Use CSS to create a background image that moves at a different speed than the foreground content when scrolling, giving a 3D effect.

78. What is the difference between the <optgroup> and <option> tags in HTML forms?

Answer: The <optgroup> tag groups related <option> tags within a dropdown list, providing a label for each group, while <option> represents each selectable item.

Answer: Use the <fieldset> tag to group related form fields and the <legend> tag to provide a caption or title for the group.

80. What is the purpose of the is attribute in custom elements in HTML5?

Answer: The is attribute extends existing HTML elements to create custom elements, allowing you to define new behaviors while keeping the default functionality.

Answer: Use CSS with position: fixed; or flexbox layout to keep the footer at the bottom of the viewport, regardless of content height.

82. Explain the use of the spellcheck attribute in HTML5.

Answer: The spellcheck attribute enables or disables spelling and grammar checking in text inputs and content-editable areas. Set spellcheck="true" or "false" as needed.

83. How do you implement an infinite scrolling feature using HTML and JavaScript?

Answer: Use JavaScript to detect when the user scrolls near the bottom of the page and then automatically load more content, creating an infinite scroll effect.

84. What is the difference between the <datalist> and <select> tags in HTML forms?

Answer: The <datalist> tag provides a list of predefined options that users can choose from when typing in an input field, whereas <select> creates a dropdown menu with options.

85. How do you create a toggle switch using HTML and CSS?

Answer: Use a combination of <input type="checkbox"> for the toggle and CSS for styling to make it look like a switch. You can add a label and animate the switch using CSS.

86. Explain the purpose of the nonce attribute in the <script> tag.

Answer: The nonce attribute adds an extra layer of security by allowing only scripts with a matching nonce value to run, helping prevent certain types of attacks like Cross-Site Scripting (XSS).

87. How do you create a breadcrumb navigation using HTML and CSS?

Answer: Use an unordered list (<ul>) with list items (<li>) for each breadcrumb link, and style it with CSS to separate each link with a symbol like ”>” or ”/“.

88. What is the itemprop attribute and how is it used in HTML5 microdata?

Answer: The itemprop attribute is part of microdata, used to define properties of an item, making it easier for search engines to understand and index content.

89. How do you create a timeline using HTML and CSS?

Answer: Use a series of <div> or <li> elements to represent timeline events, and use CSS to position them vertically or horizontally with connecting lines.

90. Explain the difference between target="_blank" and rel="noopener noreferrer" in anchor tags.

target="_blank" makes a link open in a new tab.
rel="noopener noreferrer" keeps your website safe by stopping the new tab from accessing your page’s information.

91. How do you create a progress indicator that shows the current step in a multi-step form using HTML and CSS?

Use HTML elements like <div> or <ul> to list the steps.
Use CSS to highlight the current step, showing users where they are in the form.

92. Explain the use of the tabindex attribute in HTML and how it affects keyboard navigation.

The tabindex attribute sets the order elements are focused when pressing the Tab key.
It helps users move through the page using the keyboard easily.

93. How do you implement a lightbox effect for images using HTML and CSS?

Create a hidden overlay with a larger image using HTML.
Use CSS to show the overlay when a smaller image is clicked, making the image appear in a “lightbox.”

94. What is the purpose of the <keygen> tag in HTML5, and why is it deprecated?

The <keygen> tag was used to create a key pair for secure forms.
It is deprecated because it’s not safe and better security methods are now available.

95. How do you create a fixed table header and scrollable body using HTML and CSS?

Use CSS to fix the header row at the top with position: sticky; or fixed;.
Set a height and overflow: auto; on the table body to make it scrollable.

96. Explain the difference between aria-labelledby and aria-describedby attributes in HTML for accessibility.

aria-labelledby links an element to another that labels it, like a title.
aria-describedby links to another that describes it, giving more information.

97. How do you create a collapsible sidebar navigation menu using HTML and CSS?

Build the sidebar with HTML using <div> or <nav>.
Use CSS to hide or show the menu when a button is clicked, making it collapsible.

98. What is the loading attribute in the <img> tag, and how do you use it for lazy loading images?

The loading attribute can be set to lazy in an <img> tag.
This makes the image load only when it’s about to be seen, saving time and data.

99. How do you implement a custom file upload button using HTML and CSS?

Hide the default file input with CSS.
Create a styled button that, when clicked, triggers the hidden file input to open the file chooser.

preload tells the browser to load important resources early, like a main stylesheet.
prefetch tells the browser to load resources it might need soon, like a next page, to make things faster.